Thank you for getting on the "waitlist" for the 63 Day Best Life Fall Challenge.
I am very excited to be embarking on this journey with you for the next 9 weeks.
If you already know you're "IN" for the program, you can bypass reading and skip directly to the sign up portion of the page.
If you need a little convincing on why this program is right for you, right now, at this crazy time in all our lives ... then please read on.
Like many of us - years of grabbing the next fad thing or crazy dieting, lack of exercise or even high-stress cardio sessions can hit the brakes on your metabolism and sabotage feeling great in your own skin!
If you’ve been overthinking food, but eat it anyway .... surrender to the notion that change is not possible at your age ... maybe you struggle to squeeze healthy living into a busy schedule, don’t give up just yet ...
The perceived notions about aging are changing. Frankly how we each individually think about aging has to change - especially now!
We’re in a new Lifestage that has never before existed.
Making the right lifestyle choices now, whatever your present stage/age, could enable you decades of health right into your 90’s. Imagine the opportunities that exist if you remain healthy now and if you continue being healthy well into the future.
The key - you have to start and there is no better time than NOW!
Research shows that 80% of all disease is preventable with lifestyle changes.
Your chronological age is one thing … but your “Fitness” age is what is important. Age is just a number. You can feel young at 60 or you can feel really old at 60.
Your body knows function, not your age. I'll take function over aging less than gracefully, please.
Some Doctors are now prescribing pre-habilitation as a requirement before surgeries and as an everyday remedy for their patient’s health.
You already know you NEED to exercise – walking is great but it doesn’t give you the lean muscle you need to crank up your metabolism and get strong and fit. In fact if walking is all you do for your physical activity, it will eventually take it's toll as well especially in poor posture and overuse. The body thrives on variety.
Let’s take a little walk down memory lane shall we .....
Can you picture a time when clothes hung just right and you had energy to burn?
How would you like to feel like that again?
If you’re anything like the majority of people --who are trying to juggle work, obligations, family or just a plain busy schedule while keeping their sanity intact—it’s not as easy as just “finding the time”!
Depending on your stage of life - self-care may take a backseat to everything life has to dish out - including extended family issues.
Before you know it 10 extra lbs becomes 30 extra lbs. Those too-snug clothes you used to feel unstoppable in, sit in the bottom-drawer or the back of the closet (along with all the other clothes you hope to fit back into “someday”).
SUDDENLY we are faced with a few social or family outings that are now more high-stress than fun, because you can never find anything in your closet that hides your muffin top or back fat ... or gives some one else in the room a reason to secretly envy you. Sound familiar?
On top of all that, maybe you’re worried about the eating habits you’re instilling in your children or grandchildren. You wonder what kind of relationship they’ll have with food when they’re older if you don’t set a positive example.
Obviously, you want the best for them AND the energy, AND the mobility to play with them.
But when you’re already strapped for time, energy and maybe cash .... and those are the three resources you’ve been told “getting healthy” requires—you can start feeling like you’re trapped in a bit of a catch-22 ... I get it.
I also know that getting the body you want can feel like a lost cause when you’ve already tried everything...and failed.
You’ve been through the doomsday diets that tell you to cut calories, carbs, and every ounce of pleasure out of your life...and got zero results, or fallen off track before you saw any.
You've sweat your thighs off in some crazy fitness class for weeks on end, only to lose 3 lbs and put them all back on (plus some) 2 weeks later!
And now, you’re all too familiar with the “here we go again” looks you get from your loved ones when you talk about giving the latest weight loss trend a whirl. (Because maybe this time will be different?)
The truth is: It’s not your fault these methods haven’t worked. But with every diet guru or self-proclaimed expert feeding you “quick fixes” and fat-loss falsehoods, it’s no wonder you’ve started to feel that way.
Did you know that there’s actually scientific proof that diets don’t work?
In the largest analysis of its kind, UCLA researchers looked at over 19,000 overweight and obese people across 31 long-term studies. They found that up to 83% of people who try to lose weight through dieting alone regained the weight within 4-5 years.
The psychology of dieting seems to be the main reason for this alarming failure rate. You can check out the full study here
So what if I told you I knew a proven way you could lose weight naturally and effortlessly, while still eating the foods you love (that are actually available at your local grocery store)... so you could feel great and get a fabulous body back?
Imagine if in just 9 Weeks, you could feel better than you have in years ...... not to mention just in time for the Holidays.
Picture how much happier you’d be if you could avoid the frustration of:
The best part? You won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have a supportive trainer to help you every step of the way!
I’ve learned that it IS possible to get the head-turning picture worthy results you want without trying so hard.
Want to know the secret?
Repairing the damage you’ve unknowingly done to your metabolism over the years. It’s. That. Simple.
To make matters worse, blood sugar imbalance and stress are like giant stop signs for your metabolism because they encourage insulin resistance.
And THIS is why you haven’t been able to shake those stubborn pounds (no matter how hard you try...and I know how hard you’ve tried).
Keep in mind - just because someone is slender and the envy of many, does not make that person healthier than the person with 10-30 lbs to lose. There is a lot going on in the body that we don't see and a proper eating plan (diet) is key for absorption of the nutrients you consume.
Excessive calorie restriction, binge dieting and high intensity long duration cardio exercise actually throw the brakes on your metabolism and create hormonal havoc, requiring you to keep eating less or exercising more to sustain your weight loss.
So when you fail or get too exhausted to keep pace, I don’t blame you for calling it QUITS!
The good news is…
There IS another way. A better way. A very simple and effective method for repairing your metabolism and shoving it back into high gear. (Disclaimer: You’ve got a lot to unlearn.)
Whether you’re dealing with stubborn pounds, digestive issues, migraines, muscle pain, food allergies, high cholesterol, energy dives or PMS...what you need is a practical and flexible approach to nutrition that works for you AND your family AS WELL AS a fitness program that’ll KICKSTART you into high gear whether you do it at home or at the studio!
A program that helps you feel good in your skin again...and repairs your relationship with food.
One that shows you how to implement small, doable lifestyle changes that’ll get you BIG, sustainable results--without asking you to make your own kombucha and home-made bread (because seriously, who has time for that…of course unless you want to?)
I am very excited to be embarking on this journey with you for the next 9 weeks.
If you already know you're "IN" for the program, you can bypass reading and skip directly to the sign up portion of the page.
If you need a little convincing on why this program is right for you, right now, at this crazy time in all our lives ... then please read on.
Like many of us - years of grabbing the next fad thing or crazy dieting, lack of exercise or even high-stress cardio sessions can hit the brakes on your metabolism and sabotage feeling great in your own skin!
If you’ve been overthinking food, but eat it anyway .... surrender to the notion that change is not possible at your age ... maybe you struggle to squeeze healthy living into a busy schedule, don’t give up just yet ...
The perceived notions about aging are changing. Frankly how we each individually think about aging has to change - especially now!
We’re in a new Lifestage that has never before existed.
Making the right lifestyle choices now, whatever your present stage/age, could enable you decades of health right into your 90’s. Imagine the opportunities that exist if you remain healthy now and if you continue being healthy well into the future.
The key - you have to start and there is no better time than NOW!
Research shows that 80% of all disease is preventable with lifestyle changes.
Your chronological age is one thing … but your “Fitness” age is what is important. Age is just a number. You can feel young at 60 or you can feel really old at 60.
Your body knows function, not your age. I'll take function over aging less than gracefully, please.
Some Doctors are now prescribing pre-habilitation as a requirement before surgeries and as an everyday remedy for their patient’s health.
You already know you NEED to exercise – walking is great but it doesn’t give you the lean muscle you need to crank up your metabolism and get strong and fit. In fact if walking is all you do for your physical activity, it will eventually take it's toll as well especially in poor posture and overuse. The body thrives on variety.
Let’s take a little walk down memory lane shall we .....
Can you picture a time when clothes hung just right and you had energy to burn?
How would you like to feel like that again?
If you’re anything like the majority of people --who are trying to juggle work, obligations, family or just a plain busy schedule while keeping their sanity intact—it’s not as easy as just “finding the time”!
Depending on your stage of life - self-care may take a backseat to everything life has to dish out - including extended family issues.
Before you know it 10 extra lbs becomes 30 extra lbs. Those too-snug clothes you used to feel unstoppable in, sit in the bottom-drawer or the back of the closet (along with all the other clothes you hope to fit back into “someday”).
- Maybe you’re waiting for the weight to magically drop off before booking a little getaway with a friend or significant other
- or tucking your shirt into your pants,
- or buying that that sassy little black dress you’ve been eyeing online (yes, we can be sassy at any age - why not!!)
- Perhaps the ONLY way YOU can keep up to your to-do list is to have yet another boost of caffeine and caving into your sugar cravings???
SUDDENLY we are faced with a few social or family outings that are now more high-stress than fun, because you can never find anything in your closet that hides your muffin top or back fat ... or gives some one else in the room a reason to secretly envy you. Sound familiar?
On top of all that, maybe you’re worried about the eating habits you’re instilling in your children or grandchildren. You wonder what kind of relationship they’ll have with food when they’re older if you don’t set a positive example.
Obviously, you want the best for them AND the energy, AND the mobility to play with them.
But when you’re already strapped for time, energy and maybe cash .... and those are the three resources you’ve been told “getting healthy” requires—you can start feeling like you’re trapped in a bit of a catch-22 ... I get it.
I also know that getting the body you want can feel like a lost cause when you’ve already tried everything...and failed.
You’ve been through the doomsday diets that tell you to cut calories, carbs, and every ounce of pleasure out of your life...and got zero results, or fallen off track before you saw any.
You've sweat your thighs off in some crazy fitness class for weeks on end, only to lose 3 lbs and put them all back on (plus some) 2 weeks later!
And now, you’re all too familiar with the “here we go again” looks you get from your loved ones when you talk about giving the latest weight loss trend a whirl. (Because maybe this time will be different?)
The truth is: It’s not your fault these methods haven’t worked. But with every diet guru or self-proclaimed expert feeding you “quick fixes” and fat-loss falsehoods, it’s no wonder you’ve started to feel that way.
Did you know that there’s actually scientific proof that diets don’t work?
In the largest analysis of its kind, UCLA researchers looked at over 19,000 overweight and obese people across 31 long-term studies. They found that up to 83% of people who try to lose weight through dieting alone regained the weight within 4-5 years.
The psychology of dieting seems to be the main reason for this alarming failure rate. You can check out the full study here
So what if I told you I knew a proven way you could lose weight naturally and effortlessly, while still eating the foods you love (that are actually available at your local grocery store)... so you could feel great and get a fabulous body back?
Imagine if in just 9 Weeks, you could feel better than you have in years ...... not to mention just in time for the Holidays.
Picture how much happier you’d be if you could avoid the frustration of:
- Deprivation or doing it “the hard way”
- Inescapable rebound weight
- Crazy green juice cleanses (since when is chewing your food a bad thing?)
- Tallying points or calorie-counting
- Joining the paleo or vegan “cults”
- Stacking your shelves with costly supplements
The best part? You won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have a supportive trainer to help you every step of the way!
I’ve learned that it IS possible to get the head-turning picture worthy results you want without trying so hard.
Want to know the secret?
Repairing the damage you’ve unknowingly done to your metabolism over the years. It’s. That. Simple.
- Think of your metabolism as a fat-burning fire. When you go crazy cutting calories, your body switches into starvation mode (not to mention, you get majorly grumpy and lethargic because you’re always hungry). The right foods fuel your metabolic fire, and when you don’t feed those flames, the fire burns out.
- Without the right foods and restorative sleep, your metabolic rate moves into low gear to conserve fuel, metabolism-balancing hormones begin to down-regulate, and your body has to break down muscle tissue to convert it into energy. And herein lies the problem - we both know that lean muscle mass is the only scientifically proven way to boost your metabolism.
To make matters worse, blood sugar imbalance and stress are like giant stop signs for your metabolism because they encourage insulin resistance.
And THIS is why you haven’t been able to shake those stubborn pounds (no matter how hard you try...and I know how hard you’ve tried).
Keep in mind - just because someone is slender and the envy of many, does not make that person healthier than the person with 10-30 lbs to lose. There is a lot going on in the body that we don't see and a proper eating plan (diet) is key for absorption of the nutrients you consume.
Excessive calorie restriction, binge dieting and high intensity long duration cardio exercise actually throw the brakes on your metabolism and create hormonal havoc, requiring you to keep eating less or exercising more to sustain your weight loss.
So when you fail or get too exhausted to keep pace, I don’t blame you for calling it QUITS!
The good news is…
There IS another way. A better way. A very simple and effective method for repairing your metabolism and shoving it back into high gear. (Disclaimer: You’ve got a lot to unlearn.)
Whether you’re dealing with stubborn pounds, digestive issues, migraines, muscle pain, food allergies, high cholesterol, energy dives or PMS...what you need is a practical and flexible approach to nutrition that works for you AND your family AS WELL AS a fitness program that’ll KICKSTART you into high gear whether you do it at home or at the studio!
A program that helps you feel good in your skin again...and repairs your relationship with food.
One that shows you how to implement small, doable lifestyle changes that’ll get you BIG, sustainable results--without asking you to make your own kombucha and home-made bread (because seriously, who has time for that…of course unless you want to?)
63 Day Best Life Fall (Transformation) Challenge
A no-thinking-required, financially affordable, day-by-day nutrition plan combined with a fitness program for people just like you, that’s designed to ignite your metabolism and catapult your energy, so you can burn fat faster (even at rest).
Family-friendly – Mom/Grandma approved.
Because you just don’t need another “diet” or “get skinny quick” scheme in a book. You need an easy way to create positive daily habits that resets your metabolism and boosts your fat loss, even when you’re sitting at your office desk, chauffeuring the kids around, or sitting on a plane heading to your favourite holiday destination.
This nutrition-based program is WAY different than all those other weight loss methods you’ve tried before, and here’s why:
Most importantly, this program is designed and led by a Fitness Professional, Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who has helped real people just like you take control over how they feel in their bodies and what they put on their plates.
Hi! I’m Terry. I am a Fitness Professional, Restorative Exercise Certified Instructor, Culinary Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with over 20 years experience in the Industry, and am the founder of Design Fitness Centre. I am also busy just like you.
I’m a mother of three grown children, run a business, and have a hubby who’s "was" a die-hard fan of some foods that make my eyebrows raise up! So let’s just say, I know the unique set of challenges you face when it comes to creating positive daily habits that stick.
You’ll soon discover that glowing skin, boundless energy and slim waistline that is NOT “good genetics”, is related to good consistent nutrition.
I’ve designed this transformation program to help you ditch self-sabotage and regain control of your health on your own terms while having easy access to a Fitness Professional and Nutrition Specialist almost 24/7 (I have to sleep too!)
Previously, this personalized weight loss and nutrition plan was only available to my private clients. But now it can be yours in this online format and it has been combined with a beginner to advanced fitness program that can be done in a short amount of time in your very own home with access to a software program with over 10 classes per week available whereever you have good internet service.
This 63-Day Transformation program is based on the same tried and true metabolic-balancing tools and methods I’ve used over the years to help individuals lose 20 lbs or more, lower their cholesterol, revive their sex life, eliminate food sensitivities, improve digestion and dodge Type II diabetes in a relatively short amount of time.
This is SO much more than a diet. It’s an all-encompassing approach to your health that considers factors beyond food that are affecting your bigger health picture. Factors like exercise, sleep, stress, mood, and your go-go-go lifestyle. They play a bigger role in weight loss than you’ve been led to believe.
Have you heard the term “Skinny Fat”?
Again skinny does not equal healthy and you will learn more about that in this program. Proper nutrition and an effective exercise program have been incorporated to enhance everyone’s results.
Want proof? They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
So how much would these results be worth to you?
Family-friendly – Mom/Grandma approved.
Because you just don’t need another “diet” or “get skinny quick” scheme in a book. You need an easy way to create positive daily habits that resets your metabolism and boosts your fat loss, even when you’re sitting at your office desk, chauffeuring the kids around, or sitting on a plane heading to your favourite holiday destination.
This nutrition-based program is WAY different than all those other weight loss methods you’ve tried before, and here’s why:
- You’ll reach your goals in the time you DO have, and with much less effort When you’re busy, you don’t have the choice to “slow down” or “make time for it”. I’m not here to tell you to waste your precious hours making your own milk or growing your own food. But I will teach you how to become a food label whiz and make informed choices about which products you buy in the store, because the food industry has done terrible things to food and it's getting worse for the sake of profit. Think you have to be a gym rat to lose weight? Think again. You’ll learn how to maximize the time you do spend exercising/sweating.
- You’ll never feel the urge to hide your grocery bill Feeling pressured to throw your food budget away on pricey supplements and organic-everything these days? I’ll teach you what your smartest buys are if you’re transitioning to organic, but we both know some regular old broccoli is still better for you than organic chips.
- You don’t have to be “Top Chef” material Ever pulled out your Jamie Oliver cookbook to attempt a healthy, home-cooked meal, then got discouraged by ingredients you could barely pronounce (harissa paste - what now)? Any ingredients I recommend are widely accessible and available at your local grocery store. And while the fat-burning and hormone-balancing sample recipes I’ve included ARE chef-worthy, I promise you’ll find them ridiculously easy to make in 30 minutes or less.
- You can kick guesswork to the curb The 9-Week Transformation Program is specifically designed for everyone from a busy mom/dad to great grandma/grandpa who need something that’s easy to follow that works and works for their entire family “as is”. Instead of wasting hours trying to modify recipes to be kid-friendly, all of the meal plans are given to you based on where you are at right here and now and ready to roll each week. I’ve also made sure the healthy food alternatives are spelled out for you, so you won’t have to spend hours Googling nutrition info or stand stranded in the grocery aisle, comparing food labels. See? - No more room for error or confusion.
Most importantly, this program is designed and led by a Fitness Professional, Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who has helped real people just like you take control over how they feel in their bodies and what they put on their plates.
Hi! I’m Terry. I am a Fitness Professional, Restorative Exercise Certified Instructor, Culinary Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with over 20 years experience in the Industry, and am the founder of Design Fitness Centre. I am also busy just like you.
I’m a mother of three grown children, run a business, and have a hubby who’s "was" a die-hard fan of some foods that make my eyebrows raise up! So let’s just say, I know the unique set of challenges you face when it comes to creating positive daily habits that stick.
You’ll soon discover that glowing skin, boundless energy and slim waistline that is NOT “good genetics”, is related to good consistent nutrition.
I’ve designed this transformation program to help you ditch self-sabotage and regain control of your health on your own terms while having easy access to a Fitness Professional and Nutrition Specialist almost 24/7 (I have to sleep too!)
Previously, this personalized weight loss and nutrition plan was only available to my private clients. But now it can be yours in this online format and it has been combined with a beginner to advanced fitness program that can be done in a short amount of time in your very own home with access to a software program with over 10 classes per week available whereever you have good internet service.
This 63-Day Transformation program is based on the same tried and true metabolic-balancing tools and methods I’ve used over the years to help individuals lose 20 lbs or more, lower their cholesterol, revive their sex life, eliminate food sensitivities, improve digestion and dodge Type II diabetes in a relatively short amount of time.
This is SO much more than a diet. It’s an all-encompassing approach to your health that considers factors beyond food that are affecting your bigger health picture. Factors like exercise, sleep, stress, mood, and your go-go-go lifestyle. They play a bigger role in weight loss than you’ve been led to believe.
Have you heard the term “Skinny Fat”?
Again skinny does not equal healthy and you will learn more about that in this program. Proper nutrition and an effective exercise program have been incorporated to enhance everyone’s results.
Want proof? They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
So how much would these results be worth to you?
Ready to write your own "success story"?
Here's what past participants had to say about the program:
"I can now wear clothes that I had to stop wearing, I can tuck my shirts in if I want and not look like a fat beer belly.
My blood pressure is down, I have permanently changed the way I eat in regard to a balanced diet and food portions, I am sleeping better. I am exercising more regularly and my body likes it even if I don’t, I am in better shape than I have been in a long time! I am pretty darn happy!"
"A very worthwhile Challenge. My many attempts in the past, for losing weight, were not successful or not sustainable. This challenge provides the proper nutrition and exercise to turn that body fat into lean muscle. I'm glad I took part in the Challenge"
"Overall I really enjoyed this program. Terry is very knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise. The food videos were informative and covered a wide variety of topics. The exercise videos were very helpful when trying new exercises. It was tough on some days to complete all the required exercise but I felt very satisfied that I was able to complete each workout. Thanks for your support Terry"
Here’s what you’ll get when you join The 9-Week Holiday Program:
So let’s cut straight to the part you may have decided to skip right down to: The investment in your health
"I can now wear clothes that I had to stop wearing, I can tuck my shirts in if I want and not look like a fat beer belly.
My blood pressure is down, I have permanently changed the way I eat in regard to a balanced diet and food portions, I am sleeping better. I am exercising more regularly and my body likes it even if I don’t, I am in better shape than I have been in a long time! I am pretty darn happy!"
"A very worthwhile Challenge. My many attempts in the past, for losing weight, were not successful or not sustainable. This challenge provides the proper nutrition and exercise to turn that body fat into lean muscle. I'm glad I took part in the Challenge"
"Overall I really enjoyed this program. Terry is very knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise. The food videos were informative and covered a wide variety of topics. The exercise videos were very helpful when trying new exercises. It was tough on some days to complete all the required exercise but I felt very satisfied that I was able to complete each workout. Thanks for your support Terry"
Here’s what you’ll get when you join The 9-Week Holiday Program:
- “Getting Started Guide” to jump-start your journey. This time, things ARE going to be different. Throughout the program you’ll learn all the ins and outs of how to fire up your metabolism and finally understand what kinds of foods you should be eating.
- Done-for-you personalized food portion plan that’s entirely customizable, allergy-free and family-friendly. I’d never expect you to make “special meals” for your husband and kids, or ask them to choke down kale salad unless they like it. These are nutrient-dense, yummy whole food dishes.
- You’ll follow your personalized food portion plan daily. You’ll know what foods to eat and portion sizes you should be eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. All you need to do is pick and choose which kinds of food you want to eat, reference the portion size according to your individualized plan that I give you, and enjoy. Plus, you can choose to eat gluten, wheat and dairy-free.
- BONUS: you get a handy-dandy food lists giving alternative suggestions for when you’re dealing with picky eaters or want to adjust portion sizes.
- Nutritionist-Approved Recipe Book of mouth-watering dishes your entire family/friends will eat up (and then ask for seconds)! Get ready to make your taste buds dance with delight with these fat-burning recipes (intimidation factor not included).
Every recipe is allergy-free, and quick and easy to make with ingredients that are available at your local grocery store. You’ll go from prep to “done-like-dinner” in 30 minutes or less, and be left feeling full and satisfied every time.- BONUS: time hacks for prepping a week’s worth of meals in a few short hours, limiting how much you cook during the week, and breezing through kitchen cleanup in under 30 minutes.
- Weekly tutorials + PDF worksheets where applicable delivered via email to keep your plan in Kickstart mode. When you join this program, you’ll have me there to guide you every step of the process. So you agonize less over what you’re supposed to be doing and focus on the more important part: actually doing it. Here’s just some of what we’ll cover:
- The Plan & Mastering Your Metabolism - I'll walk through The Big 3 Macros, what they have to do with balancing your hormones, and the two surprising “S” factors that are stunting your weight loss and body changes. Then you’ll learn how to use the personalized portion plan and food list so you know exactly what to eat and how much you should be eating.
- Understanding Food Labels - How to read food labels without going cross-eyed, start making more mindful choices for your entire family’s health and well-being, and follow proper portion control without feeling hungry one hour later.
- Carbohydrates 101 - Learn the difference between fast and slow burning carbs so you can make sure to always pick the fat burning carbs. Get idea’s for natural sugar swaps and how to adjust carb intake for your specific goals.
- Healthy Eating “To Go” - How to eat healthy on-the-run and what equally delicious alternatives to choose at your favourite fast food chains.
- The education information .... with more essential nutrition information all delivered in small chunks to keep you from information overload.
- Downloadable “Nutrition Diary + Accountability” Sheets. Keep tabs on your progress and form new habits faster with a daily food and workout logs
- Unlimited Fitness Classes - at your fingertips. The schedule is already laid out so that you can do a class per day without overtraining, but you can easily wean into it as needed. Movement combined with this Metabolic Reset Nutrition program – you will be feeling confident for any kind of event or upcoming photo (never duck out of the picture again) – holidays, reunions, weddings, graduations, celebrations, the beach and family and friend events that we can one day enjoy again.
So let’s cut straight to the part you may have decided to skip right down to: The investment in your health
The 63 Day Best life
Fall (Transformation) Challenge
begins Monday October 11, 2021
There are 12 spots available for the Fall Challenge
Sign up is now available
I know this is the part where I’m supposed to tell you that this is a crazy steal, that to work with me 1-on-1 would cost you upwards of $997 (true).
But really, this is your choice and you need to want the change, the extension on life, the means to getting healthier and fitter. I’m not going to tell you about all the bad things that’ll happen to you if you don’t buy this or guilt you into making decision. Transformation can mean many things - one of which is change. If change is what you are looking for, if keeping active and staying independent top your list moving forward you will know whether or not a program is right for you. I’m just here to give you the information you need to make an educated decision.
So I’ll be honest. This isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for another quick fix or overnight fat-fighting formula, you won’t find it here. But if you want to:
And if you’re someone who struggles to put yourself first, then this IS for you. For once, you’ll be able to focus on your health goals while simultaneously accommodating your family (and maybe even instilling better eating habits in them). Finally, you won’t have to choose between your needs and theirs.
So the question you should really be asking yourself is this:
Is changing your body, mindset and life for good worth $369. to you?
Because when you feel healthy on the inside, that transformation seeps through. Not only will you see changes in your body in just 9 short weeks, but you’ll feel more confident, energetic, productive in every facet of your life.
You deserve to have a body you love and feel good in.
And you deserve to have the ongoing support you need to make that happen.
Too many people are waiting on their “someday”...
Why not step up and make that today?
But really, this is your choice and you need to want the change, the extension on life, the means to getting healthier and fitter. I’m not going to tell you about all the bad things that’ll happen to you if you don’t buy this or guilt you into making decision. Transformation can mean many things - one of which is change. If change is what you are looking for, if keeping active and staying independent top your list moving forward you will know whether or not a program is right for you. I’m just here to give you the information you need to make an educated decision.
So I’ll be honest. This isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for another quick fix or overnight fat-fighting formula, you won’t find it here. But if you want to:
- Reset your metabolism (and your relationship with food)
- Create positive daily habits that’ll give you the long-lasting results you want
- And avoid strict and punishing diets or workouts that are doing more harm than good
- ...then I know you’re going to love this.
And if you’re someone who struggles to put yourself first, then this IS for you. For once, you’ll be able to focus on your health goals while simultaneously accommodating your family (and maybe even instilling better eating habits in them). Finally, you won’t have to choose between your needs and theirs.
So the question you should really be asking yourself is this:
Is changing your body, mindset and life for good worth $369. to you?
Because when you feel healthy on the inside, that transformation seeps through. Not only will you see changes in your body in just 9 short weeks, but you’ll feel more confident, energetic, productive in every facet of your life.
You deserve to have a body you love and feel good in.
And you deserve to have the ongoing support you need to make that happen.
Too many people are waiting on their “someday”...
Why not step up and make that today?
Studio Member Price- $129.00 plus HST
Pass-Holder Price - $329.00 plus HST * see special price
Non-Member Cost - $369.00 plus HST * see special price
Special Price - sign up for the special monthly membership (6 month commitment) of $99.00 per month (regular $129.00 per month) plus taxes, and receive the studio membership price for the Challenge
** please email Terry [email protected]

Your 9 Week Program Looks Like This:
All of the materials will be emailed as digital PDF files/youtube videos. You will receive individualized email with details on how to Get Started prior to the start of the program so you are ready to go on the first day with a well detailed plan.
While you’re doing the Transformation Program, you’ll receive emails from me with the step-by-step info you need to follow during 63-Day Program, with tutorials and handouts. I’ll also send you bursts of inspiration and virtual kicks of motivation to help you succeed, and a huge helping of tips and tricks for fitting healthy living into your hectic lifestyle. Basically, it’ll be like having me in your back-pocket.
For these 9 weeks, you’ll be eating 3 hormone-balancing meals that’ll keep your blood sugar in check, have you feeling full and satisfied, and help you shed weight naturally and effortlessly. (When your pants feel loose after 14 days, please share your excitement!! That is very exciting.)
In a short amount of time you’ll rediscover that spring in your step, and have all of the knowledge and resources you need to maintain your results moving forward.
Plus, you can always revisit the content.
Got Questions?
Is the $369. a one-time fee or recurring fee?
This is a one-time fee before taxes!
Who can join?
This program is tailored for adults over 50 and under 50 - including the everyday busy woman/man who are dealing with stubborn pounds and health issues such as: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, muscle aches and pains, food allergies, high cholesterol, low energy, hormone imbalances and PMS. This is a practical and flexible approach to nutrition that the whole family can get on board with.
Are the meals really family-friendly?
Absolutely! Eating healthier is hard enough, so I know that asking you to do more work would just be a motivation buzzkill. All of the recipes include ingredients your family will recognize and feel comfortable with. Of course, I’ve also included food swap suggestions in case you’re dealing with a picky child (or man-child).
Will I break the bank on this meal plan?
Actually, you’ll probably save money on your grocery bill. You’ll be cooking more at home, which will cut the costs of eating out. I don’t peer pressure you into buying organic, but I can certainly offer guidance about how to get the most bang for your buck if this is the route you choose. I’ll offer my proven tricks for prolonging the freshness of leftovers and storing and freezing food to help you eliminate waste. Plus, you’ll be going to the grocery store with a done-for-you list in hand (because we both know how full the cart gets with costly “extras” when you go unprepared).
How will this fit into my already-crammed schedule?
Believe it or not, the 9-Week Transformation Program is designed to save you time and easily fit into your hectic lifestyle.
Will I lose weight if I follow this challenge?
Quite often, the people who participate in this challenge will lose anywhere from 5-20 lbs, but I can’t guarantee results. You’re the big X factor here. It’ll all depend on your unique health issues, your level of commitment, how much weight you have to lose, how closely you follow the plan, and how engaged you are in changing your lifestyle.
It is also important to note that many people see more inches lost short-term than actual pounds. If you’re only doing this for quick results or to “get skinny”, this approach isn’t for you. If you’re interested in a safe, sustainable weight loss, increase in lean muscle that will positively impact your health, that’ll involve making tiny mindset shifts and lifestyle changes over time, then this is for you.
Will I have to start taking expensive supplements?
You don’t have to take any if you don’t want to. This is a nutrition-based approach, so I won’t weigh you down with supplements. However, I will make suggestions based on the 3 fundamental supplements I believe everybody should be on.
I’m a meat-lover. Will that be a problem?
Definitely not! My husband and I are right there with you. These recipes are meat-lover friendly.
I’m a vegetarian. Can I still do the challenge?
For sure. Every recipe can be customized to “hold the meat”, but you will need to know how to replace protein requirements.
What if I have food allergies or sensitivities?
I’m way ahead of you. All of the recipes are wheat, dairy and gluten-free. You have the option of a dairy included nutrition program if you like.
How do I receive the content?
All of the materials/information will be delivered via email and downloadable as digital PDF files. Once you order, you can look forward to receiving your Start Guide as the start date approaches.
While you’re in the challenge, you’ll receive weekly emails with the step-by-step info you need to follow the Challenge, including tutorials and handouts. I’ll also send you bursts of inspiration and virtual kicks of motivation to help you succeed, and a huge helping of tips and tricks for fitting healthy living into your hectic lifestyle. This means no matter where you live or travel to that has internet, you can participate in this challenge.
Is it safe to participate if I’m pregnant or breast-feeding?
If you’re pregnant, then no. If you’re breast-feeding, then yes.
Will I have to grocery shop at specialty stores?
No you don't! All of the ingredients the recipes call for are easy to find at your local grocery store.
My question wasn’t answered here. Can you help?
I’d be happy to! Feel free to hit me up for more info by emailing: [email protected]
All of the materials will be emailed as digital PDF files/youtube videos. You will receive individualized email with details on how to Get Started prior to the start of the program so you are ready to go on the first day with a well detailed plan.
While you’re doing the Transformation Program, you’ll receive emails from me with the step-by-step info you need to follow during 63-Day Program, with tutorials and handouts. I’ll also send you bursts of inspiration and virtual kicks of motivation to help you succeed, and a huge helping of tips and tricks for fitting healthy living into your hectic lifestyle. Basically, it’ll be like having me in your back-pocket.
For these 9 weeks, you’ll be eating 3 hormone-balancing meals that’ll keep your blood sugar in check, have you feeling full and satisfied, and help you shed weight naturally and effortlessly. (When your pants feel loose after 14 days, please share your excitement!! That is very exciting.)
In a short amount of time you’ll rediscover that spring in your step, and have all of the knowledge and resources you need to maintain your results moving forward.
Plus, you can always revisit the content.
Got Questions?
Is the $369. a one-time fee or recurring fee?
This is a one-time fee before taxes!
Who can join?
This program is tailored for adults over 50 and under 50 - including the everyday busy woman/man who are dealing with stubborn pounds and health issues such as: indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, muscle aches and pains, food allergies, high cholesterol, low energy, hormone imbalances and PMS. This is a practical and flexible approach to nutrition that the whole family can get on board with.
Are the meals really family-friendly?
Absolutely! Eating healthier is hard enough, so I know that asking you to do more work would just be a motivation buzzkill. All of the recipes include ingredients your family will recognize and feel comfortable with. Of course, I’ve also included food swap suggestions in case you’re dealing with a picky child (or man-child).
Will I break the bank on this meal plan?
Actually, you’ll probably save money on your grocery bill. You’ll be cooking more at home, which will cut the costs of eating out. I don’t peer pressure you into buying organic, but I can certainly offer guidance about how to get the most bang for your buck if this is the route you choose. I’ll offer my proven tricks for prolonging the freshness of leftovers and storing and freezing food to help you eliminate waste. Plus, you’ll be going to the grocery store with a done-for-you list in hand (because we both know how full the cart gets with costly “extras” when you go unprepared).
How will this fit into my already-crammed schedule?
Believe it or not, the 9-Week Transformation Program is designed to save you time and easily fit into your hectic lifestyle.
- I’ll be revealing my tried and true time hacks for prepping a week’s worth of meals in a few short hours, limiting how much you cook during the week, and breezing through kitchen cleanup in under 30 minutes.
- Your meal plans and recipes are ready-to-go, with additional choices. No guesswork or searching Google for dinner ideas. No food label confusion. No writing everything out yourself.
- The recipes I’ve give you can be whipped up from scratch in 30 minutes or less. BONUS - send me your favourite recipe and I'll give you some ideas on how you can make it more nutritionally friendly.
- You’ll be moving more, but exercising about 3x a week at home.
- The weekly training, homework and action steps will only take you about 1 hour. That’s totally achievable.
Will I lose weight if I follow this challenge?
Quite often, the people who participate in this challenge will lose anywhere from 5-20 lbs, but I can’t guarantee results. You’re the big X factor here. It’ll all depend on your unique health issues, your level of commitment, how much weight you have to lose, how closely you follow the plan, and how engaged you are in changing your lifestyle.
It is also important to note that many people see more inches lost short-term than actual pounds. If you’re only doing this for quick results or to “get skinny”, this approach isn’t for you. If you’re interested in a safe, sustainable weight loss, increase in lean muscle that will positively impact your health, that’ll involve making tiny mindset shifts and lifestyle changes over time, then this is for you.
Will I have to start taking expensive supplements?
You don’t have to take any if you don’t want to. This is a nutrition-based approach, so I won’t weigh you down with supplements. However, I will make suggestions based on the 3 fundamental supplements I believe everybody should be on.
I’m a meat-lover. Will that be a problem?
Definitely not! My husband and I are right there with you. These recipes are meat-lover friendly.
I’m a vegetarian. Can I still do the challenge?
For sure. Every recipe can be customized to “hold the meat”, but you will need to know how to replace protein requirements.
What if I have food allergies or sensitivities?
I’m way ahead of you. All of the recipes are wheat, dairy and gluten-free. You have the option of a dairy included nutrition program if you like.
How do I receive the content?
All of the materials/information will be delivered via email and downloadable as digital PDF files. Once you order, you can look forward to receiving your Start Guide as the start date approaches.
While you’re in the challenge, you’ll receive weekly emails with the step-by-step info you need to follow the Challenge, including tutorials and handouts. I’ll also send you bursts of inspiration and virtual kicks of motivation to help you succeed, and a huge helping of tips and tricks for fitting healthy living into your hectic lifestyle. This means no matter where you live or travel to that has internet, you can participate in this challenge.
Is it safe to participate if I’m pregnant or breast-feeding?
If you’re pregnant, then no. If you’re breast-feeding, then yes.
Will I have to grocery shop at specialty stores?
No you don't! All of the ingredients the recipes call for are easy to find at your local grocery store.
My question wasn’t answered here. Can you help?
I’d be happy to! Feel free to hit me up for more info by emailing: [email protected]