Corporate, Private Training, Groups & Specialty Programs
Individual Programs
Private Training/Coaching - Online
Work one on one with a Certified Health Wellness Coach and Professional Fitness Trainer with little to no equipment, at home or out of town. Wherever you have email access. Contact Design Fitness for the optimum plan for you. This is on-line training.
Corporate Programming
Your employees need structured movement more than ever right now, as your company creates a "NEW" normal way of conducting business.
Employees are moving less, and are easier distracted if they are working from home or in an isolated office. There is no doubt the stress factor is far greater now.
What is not apparent today in escalating health issues - will be evident and detrimental moving as this work scenario continues. No longer are employees rushing off to work, getting kids to school, walking from parking lots or transit services, moving around the office or going out for lunch or business engagements.
Providing your employees with daily movement and stretching protocols, will not only encourage more fit and active lifestyles during their own time, but keep them energized, focused and on task during business hours.
Several short Virtual sessions are available for your employees needs on that particular day - they can participate in and around their work stations, desks or even their kitchen tables. Short sessions are more restorative based in short durations. Longer sessions can be provided as an additional benefit that you, the employer provides as a contribution to your employees health and well being. Accountability can also be structured to encourage participation.
Use Company Benefits or let me help you create a Self-Sustaining Membership based model. With over 15 years experience in the Corporate Wellness sector you can much needed beneficial program now that can seemlessly transition into the future.
Virtual Programs/Educational Programs:
Strength Programs & Restorative Exercise Programs:
Lunch break classes - sweat or no sweat (some equipment requirements - but can be achieved with little to none), wide variety of Group Training options if you have dedicated space, change rooms/with or without showers
You supply the people, we look after the programming, the instructors and the scheduling
Wellness ROI - Healthy Employees are Happy Employees, use less benefits, have less sick days and are more productive
Over 15 years experience in Corporate Wellness
Let Design Fitness Centre help you with your Wellness Programs
Private Training/Coaching - Online
Work one on one with a Certified Health Wellness Coach and Professional Fitness Trainer with little to no equipment, at home or out of town. Wherever you have email access. Contact Design Fitness for the optimum plan for you. This is on-line training.
Corporate Programming
Your employees need structured movement more than ever right now, as your company creates a "NEW" normal way of conducting business.
Employees are moving less, and are easier distracted if they are working from home or in an isolated office. There is no doubt the stress factor is far greater now.
What is not apparent today in escalating health issues - will be evident and detrimental moving as this work scenario continues. No longer are employees rushing off to work, getting kids to school, walking from parking lots or transit services, moving around the office or going out for lunch or business engagements.
Providing your employees with daily movement and stretching protocols, will not only encourage more fit and active lifestyles during their own time, but keep them energized, focused and on task during business hours.
Several short Virtual sessions are available for your employees needs on that particular day - they can participate in and around their work stations, desks or even their kitchen tables. Short sessions are more restorative based in short durations. Longer sessions can be provided as an additional benefit that you, the employer provides as a contribution to your employees health and well being. Accountability can also be structured to encourage participation.
Use Company Benefits or let me help you create a Self-Sustaining Membership based model. With over 15 years experience in the Corporate Wellness sector you can much needed beneficial program now that can seemlessly transition into the future.
Virtual Programs/Educational Programs:
- Group Challenge/Health Programs;
- Yogilates Rx (Pilates, Yoga, Restorative Exercise);
- Strength & Bootcamp Training;
- Zumba Classes;
- Stretching Sessions;
- Health Coaching;
- Employee Gym Set up and Management
Strength Programs & Restorative Exercise Programs:
Lunch break classes - sweat or no sweat (some equipment requirements - but can be achieved with little to none), wide variety of Group Training options if you have dedicated space, change rooms/with or without showers
You supply the people, we look after the programming, the instructors and the scheduling
Wellness ROI - Healthy Employees are Happy Employees, use less benefits, have less sick days and are more productive
Over 15 years experience in Corporate Wellness
Let Design Fitness Centre help you with your Wellness Programs